On Monday, April 4th, 2022, CUNY Bronx Community College (BCC) hosted the Indo-American Green University Network Launch Event. At this event, guests attended from several Indian Universities and the City University of New York (CUNY). Representing CUNY CREST Institute in this event, Drs. Reza Khanbilvardi, Shakila Merchant, Tarendra Lakhankar, and Prathap Ramamorthy.

The Indo-American Green University Network Launch Event was a day-long event that focused on sustainability collaborations with India on were climate change, renewable energy, air pollution, water resources and other sustainability efforts. Dr. Neal Phillip, Professor and Chairperson, and Prof. Paramita Sen, both of the Department of Chemistry, Earth Sciences, and Environmental Sciences at BCC, hosted this event. Different guest speakers across the different CUNY and Indian universities presented, as well as entrepreneurs, were able to deliver keynotes that addressed the different issues faced in sustainability.  The opening remarks was given by Dr. Thomas A. Isekenegbe, President, Bronx Community College.

Featured Guest Speakers Include:

Below are images taken from the Indo-American Green University Network Launch Event!